Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Sermon on the Mount"

Hello All,
Last Thursday and continuing to this Thursday we will be discussing things in parallel with the teachings on Sundays on the "sermon on the mount." This will be a theme for homegroup teaching during Jeff's series. Basically, we'll spend time talking about concepts that are brought up during Sunday teachings. If you have questions or want to discuss something from the Sunday teachings, we can do that. This will give us a chance to think further and "wrestle" with the concepts from the "sermon on the mount."

Jeff may even let you wrestle him.

Listening to the podcasts from Sunday and reading the text might add even more thought to this process. But, all can contribute without doing so.

See you tomorrow !!


Meg said...

Hey thanks for posting this because I missed Sunday and now I will listen to the podcast.

Sam Ed. said...

Haha, I wish homegroup was on podcast...because I don't remember ANYTHING about homegroup from this past week. I guess I WAS really more drugged up than I thought...

Hope I didn't get anyone sick!