Sunday, August 12, 2007

Thoughts on Home Group Mission/Outreach Change

Most of you probably heard of the new format of missions/outreach within our homegroup. For all who did not, we have decided that our missions/outreach activities will not be geared towards thursday nights anymore (other home groups have already made this decision, and we decided it was a good idea). We will continue to meet every thursday night, but will be adding a few more worship and guy/girl nights (or something else) in the place of our thursday night missions work.

Now, obviously this does not mean we have had a change of heart and no longer desire to have this as a part of our community, instead, we will be moving towards activities that do not necessarily center around one particular night of the week. Through this, we hope to investigate what it means for us to live missional lives both as a community and as individuals. Surely living a missional life involves more than one thursday night a month.......



traci said...

I think this is awesome! My hope is that is we would be able to encourage each other and come together to meet needs in new ways that aren't necessarily structured around an event that we are supposed to attend because that is what we do as a home group.

My prayer is that we continue to grow as givers, learners, and lovers so that we can be a part of the kingdom work this is going on around us every night of the week.

Jon said...

I think impacting those around us can be as simple as going to dinner with a co-worker and building on a relationship that might otherwise get lost in the hectic nature of our lives. This format really provides us all with the challenge of figuring out what all this means from day to day.

Sam Ed. said...

I think it really makes us be more intentional about outreach/service. We often run the risk of letting otheres plan "outreach" and service for us instead of being on the alert and looking for these opportunities in our day to day lives. I think it's a good change!

Diana said...

there are so many needs that we are exposed to if we slow down and are sensitive to what is going on in the lives of those around will be a challenge and perhaps a paradigm shift for people to take the initiative on their own but i think we will learn even more about what it means to live and serve like Jesus!